Soramichi's blog

Some seek complex solutions to simple problems; it is better to find simple solutions to complex problems

Installing Debian GNU/Linux 8 (Jessie) into Thinkpad x260

I got a thinkpad x260 and installed Debian GNU/Linux 8 (which I also use for my desktop and servers).

Here are some tips for someone (or no one?) who wants to do the same. f:id:sorami_chi:20171217205228j:plain

Base Installation

I basically followed normal operations. The point is to shrink C: using Windows tools and never let the Debian installer modify existing partitions. In this manner you can greatly reduce the possibility of committing a serious mistake.

  • Create a recovery medium using one of the Windows official tools. Type "recovery" in the start menu and you'll find it.
  • Delete the recovery partition using the "management tool" you can find in the "control panel". Be careful: by doing this you lose the way to create a recovery medium again. Make sure the one you just created works perfectly.
  • Shrink the existing partition for C: with the same tool.
  • Disable "security boot" functionality from the BIOS menu.
  • Create a bootable USB of Debian and install it. Choose "guided partitioning" and "available free space" when selecting where to install. Never do partitioning manually unless you're really sure what you are doing.



Unfortunately the wifi inside x260 (Intel Wireless 8260) does not work with the linux kernel included in Debian 8. I upgraded the kernel to the latest stable (4.9) but then X got some error and did not work (the same actually happens with my desktop so it might be a problem between X and the latest kernel). For those who want to use a self-built kernel, an official guide from Debian is the most easy-to-follow.

Instead I just use WLI-UC-GNM2 from Buffalo that was sleeping in my desk. To make it work I had to add contrib and non-free repos to /etc/apt/sources.list and installed firmware-ralink package. After that it works perfectly with no command-line settings.


It works with the maximum resolution (1920 x 1080). Have never tried the HDMI port though. The brightness control buttons in the keyboard do not work in the default setting (I use MATE as my desktop environment).

Track point and touch pad

They both work perfectly. Scrolling with two fingers on the touch pad also works.


Speaker and mic both work. The volume control buttons in the keyboard also work.



Currently it works normally, I mean I don't feel battery consumption is reasonably larger than Windows. Note: Having less battery life in Linux can actually happen because ACPI-related stuff is one of the most troublesome thing to support correctly; that's why hibernation never works in Linux. :p


Haven't yet tested neatly.



I think the weakest part of Thinkpad X260 is the memory bandwidth. This machine only has 1 memory slot thus only 1 memory channel is usable (although the CPU has two channels). If you wanna do some big-data stuff or machine learning, I recommend you to buy T or X1 series (or something from other vendors) that have at least two memory slots.

Other comments

Intel wifi works with Stretch (testing version)

As Intel Wireless 8260 is supported from kernel 4.1, it works with no hurdle with Debian 9 (Stretch, a.k.a testing, next stable). Note that you still have to install a non-free binary firmware (firmware-iwlwifi package from non-free repo). A drawback of installing the testing release (other than the fact security updates are not so often provided) might be the gcc version, which is 6.3 and can be too new for those who have ultra legacy codes written for gcc 3.x or even 2.x.

Something strange with Windows

When I was installing an anti-virus software into Windows 10 (not Linux), it seems like some of the input signals were dropped. Altough the load was extremely high for all components (CPU, mem IO, disk IO) at that time, this was I guess bit strange. What happened was during the installation the mouse cursor got extremely heavy, and it's not just delayed but some signals were definitely ignored, like a click of mouse was successful only with 75% of possibility.

I don't know if it is due to the hardware or a bug of Windows 10. It might be the case that Windows ignore some signals on purpose??? (It's not related to Debian, but this is very first time for me to see such a phenomenon so I put it here). One thing true is this has never happened so far in Linux, even with a very high load for example a kernel re-compilation.

Psuedo Type Checking in C using Struct


Let the C compiler recognize two types different, even when the two are actually equivalent in terms of the size and contents.


  • Wrap each type in a struct to add type information, as a compiler recognizes two structs (even with the same size) as different.
  • Do not actually define dummy structs, but use pointers to them to:
  • avoid meaningless coding
  • expect that the types are stored in registers for speedup


typedef struct A1* a1;
typedef struct A2* a2;

// a function that accepts type a1 only
void f(a1 p){ }

// a function that accepts type a2 only
void g(a2 p){ }

a1 make_a1(int n){
  return (a1)(unsigned long)n;

a2 make_a2(int n){
  return (a2)(unsigned long)n;

  a1 p1 = make_a1(0);
  a2 p2 = make_a2(1);


The code above compiles with no relevant warnings. Actual definitions of A1 and A2 are not needed because creating a pointer to a struct does not require the actual definition of the struct (otherwise, recursive data structures such as linked list cannot be written).

However, once the arguments of f and g are flipped by mistake (like f(p2) and g(p1)), you get warnings:

typecheck.c: In function 'main':
typecheck.c:20:3: warning: passing argument 1 of 'f' from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
typecheck.c:4:6: note: expected 'a1' but argument is of type 'a2'
 void f(a1 p){ }
typecheck.c:21:3: warning: passing argument 1 of 'g' from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
typecheck.c:6:6: note: expected 'a2' but argument is of type 'a1'
 void g(a2 p){ }

An disadvantage of this method compared to actually defining wrapper structs is since there are no definitions of A1 and A2 people reading the code can be confused (I actually was when analyzing QEMU's source code, and I learned this trick from one of the ML entries).

Follow-up (Feb 2017)

This might be cleaner. The difference is that this version does not need never-used names of the structs, but instead it just defines empty structs.

typedef struct {}* a1; // No longer need the name A1
typedef struct {}* a2; // No longer need the name A2

void f(a1 p){ }

void g(a2 p){ }

a1 make_a1(int n){
  return (a1)(unsigned long)n;

a2 make_a2(int n){
  return (a2)(unsigned long)n;

  a1 p1 = make_a1(0);
  a2 p2 = make_a2(1);


LaTeX and PDF Tips

LaTeX and PDF Tips

From the access logs it's obvious that the latex and pdf tips page (in Japanese) is one of the most popular contents besides my profile and seems like it's somewhat highly page-ranked by google, so I put here an English translation.

Equalize the Column Heights of the Last Page

flushend.sty is the most convienient way to equalize the heights of the last page of a 2-column pdf. Download it to the same directory as your .tex and do


It's useful especially when you submit a paper to an IEEE conference (whose latex style shows you how to equalize the heights with super troublesome way).

Concatenate Two PDFs

pdftk command lets you concatenate two PDFs such as an abstract and a poster draft. Do as follows:

$ pdftk input_filenames output output_filename

Note that output is a command option, which you should put as-is.

Create a PDF with the US Letter Size

If you want to set the size of your PDF to US Letter (also referred as simply 'Letter' size) but you don't know how to tweak the style file, the paper option of dvipdfm (or dvipdfmx for CJK people) can help you.

$ dvipdfm -p letter input.dvi

Citations per Article in ACM Digital Library

The avarge citations per article in ACM digital library.

Note: the numbers may be biased due to the difference of main research area of each institution and many other factors, so comparing small differences like by several points can be irrelevant.

Pin Python processes to specific cores in multiprocessing.Pool

Pinning processes to specific cpu cores (a.k.a. cpu affinity) is important both for performance analysis and improvement. However in Python, especially when you use high-level interfaces, it is tricky to do it because Python does not support cpu affinity directly.

This post explains how to pin processes to specific cpu cores when you use multiprocessing.Pool.

Note: this post is only for Linux, but not for OSX. I didn't even try it on a Mac as I don't have one, but I doubt it works because this kind of low-level OS interfaces differ much in Linux and OSX.

Level 0: Basics

On Linux (again I'm totally not sure if this applies to OSX as well), cpu affinity can be controlled with the taskset user-command. This command does not require the su previledge, as long as you control your own processes.

# Pin process with PID 1000 to core 0
$ taskset -p -c 0 1000

# Pin process with PID 2000 to either core 3 or core 4
$ taskset -p -c 3,4 2000

A child process inherits the cpu affinity of the parent process. Thus if you don't need a fine-grained control, use this command once in the program and that's it.

from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Pool
import os

os.system("taskset -p -c 0,1 %d" % os.getpid())

# New pprocesses are automatically pinned to either core 0 or core 1
for i in range(0, 4):
    p = Process(target=f)

# It's the same even if you use Pool, as we don't need PIDs of the children
pool = Pool(processes = 4), some_list)

You might need finer controlling granularity, then you can read the following sections.

Level 1

If you create processes directly with Process(), it's super easy. Just use taskset for each process created by Process() one by one.

from multiprocessing import Process
import os

for i in range(0, n_processes):
    p = Process(target=f)
    # Pin created processes in a round-robin
    os.system("taskset -p -c %d %d" % ((i % os.cpu_count()),

Level N

If you use multiprocessing.Pool, you need some trick because Pool does not provide the way to get the PIDs of the worker processes (the reason is explained in the Appendix).

To get the PIDs we get into the internal of multiprocessing. However it's way easier than cheating compiler based languages, as many libraries in Python are actually written in Python.

Assume you use Python 3 from Anaconda, then multiprocessing.Pool is implemented in $anaconda/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/, where $anaconda is the Anaconda installation directory in your env.

Put the code blow around L187 of (right after self._task_handler_start()).

# Pins processes created by Pool() in a round-robin
for i in range(0, len(self._pool)):
    p = self._pool[i]
    os.system("taskset -p -c %d %d" % (i % os.cpu_count(),


Why does Process.Pool hide the PIDs of the workers? My guess is that to expose them to the user level is against the policy Pool takes (yes, it means this post is against it).

In the documentation of Pool, they say

Note: Worker processes within a Pool typically live for the complete duration of the Pool’s work queue. A frequent pattern found in other systems (such as Apache, mod_wsgi, etc) to free resources held by workers is to allow a worker within a pool to complete only a set amount of\ work before being exiting, being cleaned up and a new process spawned to replace the old one. The maxtasksperchild argument to the Pool exposes this ability to the end user.

It means that the processes created by Pool transmigrate after completing a part of the assigned work for software rejuvenation. So if maxtasksperchild is set, PIDs of the worker processes are not constant throughout (or other functions to let worker processes work).

In, this mechanism is implemented by a monitoring thread executing _handle_workers, which does _maintain_pool() every 0.1 seconds to keep the number of woker processes to the desired amount.

Actually the trick introduced in this post does not consider this process transmigration, therefore it does not work if the maxtasksperchild argument is set. Well, but no one has ever used this argument, right? :p